Due to the lack of a Buddhist Temple for a large Nepalese community in this locality (South East London), the Buddhist followers in this region have been hiring different venues on a rental basis from time to time to organize ritual practices in different venues. At times, it felt extremely hard to get the venues for the practices. Having no alternatives, the Buddhist community from Nepalese living in this area had to travel far away in search of a Buddhist temple. The only Nepalese Buddhist temple is located a two-hour drive from South East London at Aldershot, Hampshire. The senior citizens from the Buddhist community have remarkably not easy to get there on a routine basis.
Practicing own beliefs is the fundamental right for all mankind. The state always emphasizes promoting and practicing the belief of its citizens. London has a unique diversity of all faiths. People are living peacefully maintaining harmony among them. We have noticed that people from other faiths living in these areas have their own places such as temples, churches, and mosques to practice their beliefs. Thus, we have been trying to get a proper venue in this area since the very beginning. We tried to contact councils to felicitate us on any vacant hall on lease or by any means. Despite our hard effort, we could not get any support from the local councils. We managed to establish a non-profit organization in the year 2016 and got registered in the Company House as a non-profit religious organization, and eventually registered in the Charity Commission. This was the demand of thousands Buddhist followers living in this locality.